Thursday, 15 December 2011

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS in collaboration with ASSOCIATION OF CAMBRIDGE SCHOOLS IN NEW ZEALAND Advanced Subsidiary Level LATIN (School-based Assessment) 8282/02 Paper 2 Literature

in collaboration with

LATIN (School-based Assessment) 8282/02

Paper 2 Literature

Mark Total 100 marks

Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper

October/November 2008

2 hours


If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, index number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions from both sections of this examination paper. Each section is worth 50 marks.
You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.


This paper c

 UCLES 2008
s of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

[Turn over


SECTION A: Verse Literature


Virgil, Aeneid II. 21-39

est in conspectu Tenedos, notissima fama insula, dives opum Priami dum regna manebant, nunc tantum sinus et statio male fida carinis: huc se provecti deserto in litore condunt;
nos abiisse rati et vento petiisse Mycenas. 25 ergo omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu;
panduntur portae; iuvat ire et Dorica castra desertosque videre locos litusque relictum:
hic Dolopum manus, hic saevus tendebat Achilles; classibus hic locus, hic acie certare solebant. 30 pars stupet innuptae donum exitiale Minervae
et molem mirantur equi; primusque Thymoetes duci intra muros hortatur et arce locari,
sive dolo seu iam Troiae sic fata ferebant.

at Capys, et quorum melior sententia menti, 35 aut pelago Danaüm insidias suspectaque dona
praecipitare iubent subiectisque urere flammis, aut terebrare cavas uteri et temptare latebras. scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus.


Answer ALL of the following questions:

1. Translate lines 31 (pars) to 38 (latebras). (12 marks)

Why does Virgil specify Mycenae as the Greeks’
(1 mark)
supposed destination?

What are the Trojans told later about the importance of the Horse, for Minerva and for themselves?
(2 marks)

Why might Thymoetes have given advice against Trojan
(1 mark)


Describe how Virgil as he continues the story from this passage elaborates the idea of a conflict of opinion
(4 marks)
among the Trojans about the Horse, and the resolution
of that conflict.


Identify and explain the form or the grammar as specified
(4 marks)
opum (22) (grammar)
luctu (26) (grammar) classibus (30) (grammar) Danaüm (36) (form)

6. Identify and explain the effect of at least FIVE features of style (language and verse rhythm) in this passage (5 marks)
that characterize Aeneas’ manner of telling the story
and/or the Trojans’ emotions.

[Total: 25 marks]

[Turn over



Virgil, Aeneid II. 234-249

dividimus muros et moenia pandimus urbis.

accingunt omnes operi pedibusque rotarum 235 subiciunt lapsus, et stuppea vincula collo
intendunt; scandit fatalis machina muros

feta armis. pueri circum innuptaeque puellae

sacra canunt funemque manu contingere gaudent;

illa subit mediaeque minans inlabitur urbi. 240 o patria, o divum domus Ilium et incluta bello
moenia Dardanidum, quater ipso in limine portae substitit atque utero sonitum quater arma dedere; instamus tamen immemores caecique furore
et monstrum infelix sacrata sistimus arce. 245 tunc etiam fatis aperit Cassandra futuris
ora dei iussu non umquam credita Teucris.

nos delubra deum miseri, quibus ultimus esset ille dies, festa velamus fronde per urbem.


Answer ALL of the following questions:

1. Translate lines 238 (pueri) to 245 (arce). (13 marks)

Identify and name or explain, THREE features of
lines 241 (o patria) to 242 (Dardanidum) by which Virgil
(3 marks)
conveys the strength of Aeneas’ emotion.

Identify FOUR expressions (words or phrases) (4 marks)
in this passage by which Virgil creates an atmosphere
of foreboding, and explain the ideas that they express.

Identify and explain fully the grammar of: (4 marks)

operi (235) furore (244) Teucris (247) esset (248)

4. Scan line 240 (illa… urbi), clearly marking the six feet of the hexameter and the principal metrical caesura. (5 marks)
Identify ONE metrical feature of the line, and describe
the effect this feature produces.

[Total: 25 marks]

[Turn over


SECTION B: Prose Literature


Caesar, de Bello Gallico IV. 25,3-26,2

25,3 Atque nostris militibus cunctantibus, maxime propter altitudinem maris, qui decimae legionis aquilam ferebat, contestatus deos, ut ea res legioni feliciter eveniret, 'Desilite' inquit 'milites, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus prodere: ego certe meum rei publicae atque imperatori officium praestitero.'

25,4 Hoc cum voce magna dixisset, se ex navi proiecit atque in hostes aquilam ferre coepit. Tum nostri cohortati inter se, ne tantum dedecus admitteretur, universi ex navi desiluerunt. Hos item ex proximis primis navibus cum conspexissent, subsecuti hostibus adpropinquaverunt.

26,1 Pugnatum est ab utrisque acriter. Nostri tamen, quod neque ordines servare neque firmiter insistere neque signa subsequi poterant atque alius alia ex navi quibuscumque signis occurrerat se aggregabat, magnopere perturbabantur; hostes vero, notis omnibus vadis, ubi ex litore aliquos singulares ex navi egredientes conspexerant, incitatis equis impeditos adoriebantur, plures paucos circumsistebant, alii ab latere aperto in universos tela coniciebant.

26,2 Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium, item speculatoria navigia militibus compleri iussit et, quos laborantes conspexerat, his subsidia submittebat.


Answer ALL of the following questions:

1. Translate paragraphs 26,1 and 26,2 (Pugnatum to (12 marks)

2. What were the four types of vessel Caesar used to make (1 mark)
his first landing in Britain? They included one type that he does not mention in this passage.

3. How does Caesar describe his own role and
his soldiers’ actions in his treatment of military events? (3 marks)
For what purposes might he describe his own role and their
actions in these ways?
Refer to this passage as an example.

Identify features of Caesar’s style in paragraph 26,1 (4 marks)
that convey and contrast the Romans’ difficulties and the Britons’
energetic action.


Identify and explain fully the grammar of: (4 marks)

praestitero (line 5)
voce (line 6)
signis (line 13)
militibus (line 20)

5. Find one example from the passage of each of the following constructions. You must quote the Latin words (5 marks)
relevant to the construction.

ablative absolute
ablative of manner
dative of person concerned
impersonal passive
indirect command

[Total: 25 marks]

[Turn over



Caesar, de Bello Gallico IV. 38,1-5

1. Caesar postero die T. Labienum legatum cum eis legionibus quas ex Britannia reduxerat in Morinos qui rebellionem fecerant misit.

2. Qui cum propter siccitates paludum quo se reciperent non haberent, quo superiore anno perfugio erant usi, omnes fere in potestatem Labieni venerunt.

3. At Q. Titurius et L. Cotta legati, qui in Menapiorum fines legiones duxerant, omnibus eorum agris vastatis, frumentis succisis, aedificiis incensis, quod Menapii se omnes in densissimas silvas abdiderant, se ad Caesarem receperunt.

4. Caesar in Belgis omnium legionum hiberna constituit. Eo duae omnino civitates ex Britannia obsides miserunt, reliquae neglexerunt.

5. His rebus gestis, ex litteris Caesaris dierum viginti supplicatio a senatu decreta est.


Answer ALL of the following questions:

1. Translate paragraphs 1 to 3 (Caesar … receperunt). (13 marks)

2. What else do we know of T.Labienus? (1 mark)

3. The Morini had been important in Caesar’s arrangements (2 marks)
for the crossing into Britain: why?


What was a supplicatio for a military victory (paragraph

(4 marks)
5)? What was the political significance of this particular
supplicatio at Rome?


Identify and explain fully the grammar of:
(4 marks)

die (line 1) reciperent (line 4) haberent (line 5) perfugio (line 5)

5. Find one example from the passage of each of the (5 marks)
following constructions. You must quote the Latin word
or words used in the construction; and if the word in question
is used more than once in the passage, identify the use to which you refer.

relative adverb of place genitive of description apposition
connecting (or continuing) relative pronoun demonstrative adverb of place

[Total: 25 marks]

End of Questions

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