Thursday, 15 December 2011

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS in collaboration with ASSOCIATION OF CAMBRIDGE SCHOOLS IN NEW ZEALAND Advanced Subsidiary Level LATIN (School-based Assessment) 8282/01 Paper 1 Language

in collaboration with

LATIN (School-based Assessment) 8282/01

Paper 1 Language

Mark Total 100 marks

Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper

October/November 2008

2 hours


If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, index number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer questions from any two of the three sections of this examination paper. Each section is worth 50 marks.
Do not attempt more then two sections.
You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.


This paper consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.

 UCLES 2008 [Turn over


SECTION A: Translation of Latin Prose


Translate into English. Write your translation on alternate lines.

A Message to a Camp under Siege

Cicero (brother of the orator) is under siege by Gauls; Caesar sends a message

ibi ex captivis cognoscit quae apud Ciceronem gerantur quantoque in periculo res sit. tum cuidam ex equitibus Gallis magnis praemiis persuadet, uti ad Ciceronem epistulam deferat. hanc Graecis conscriptam litteris mittit, ne intercepta epistula nostra ab hostibus consilia cognoscantur. si adire non possit, monet ut tragulam cum epistula ad ammentum deligata intra munitionem castrorum abiciat. in litteris scribit se cum legionibus profectum celeriter adfore; hortatur ut pristinam virtutem retineat. Gallus periculum veritus, ut erat praeceptum, tragulam mittit. haec casu ad turrem adhaesit neque a nostris biduo animadversa tertio die a quodam milite conspicitur, dempta ad Ciceronem defertur. ille perlectam in conventu militum
recitat maximaque omnes laetitia adficit. tum fumi incendiorum procul videbantur, quae res omnem dubitationem adventus legionum expulit.

Caesar, De Bello Gallico V.48, 2-10

[50 marks]



apud [prep., + acc.] in the vicinity of equitibus Gallis [Gallic cavalry among Caesar’s forces] uti = ut
conscribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum = scribo, -ere intercipio, -ipere, -epi, eptum intercept nostra [with consilia]
tragula, -ae F., spear fitted with throwing strap

ammentum, -i N., throwing strap

deligo, -are, -avi, -atum bind, tie munitio, -onis F., fortification abicio, -cere throw pristinus, -a, -um old, former
praecipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum command, order

turris, -is F., tower

adhaereo, -rere, -si, sum stick, become fixed neque… animadversa = et… non animadversa demo, -ere, -psi, -ptum take away, take down perlego, -egere, -egi, -ectum read through
conventus, -us M., assembly, gathering

recito, -are read aloud

laetitia, -ae F., joy

adficio, -icere, -eci, -ectum inspire [someone with emotion (abl.)]

incendium, -ii N., fire

dubitatio, -onis F., doubt

[Turn over


SECTION B: Translation of Latin Poetry


Translate into English. Write your translation on alternate lines.

Aeneas kills Turnus

Aeneas has wounded Turnus; Turnus has appealed for mercy. Aeneas notices that Turnus is wearing spoils he has taken from Pallas, Aeneas’ young ally and protégé.

stetit acer in armis

Aeneas volvens oculos dextramque repressit;

et iam iamque magis cunctantem flectere sermo coeperat, infelix umero cum apparuit alto
balteus et notis fulserunt cingula bullis Pallantis pueri, victum quem vulnere Turnus straverat atque umeris inimicum insigne gerebat. ille, oculis postquam saevi monimenta doloris exuviasque hausit, furiis accensus et ira terribilis: 'tune hinc spoliis indute meorum eripiare mihi? Pallas te hoc vulnere, Pallas immolat et poenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit.' hoc dicens ferrum adverso sub pectore condit fervidus; ast illi solvuntur frigore membra
vitaque cum gemitu fugit indignata sub umbras.

Virgil, Aeneid XII. 938-952

[50 marks]



reprimo, -imere, -essi restrain cunctor, -ari delay, hesitate flecto, -ere bend, move sermo, -onis M., speech coepi, -isse begin
balteus, -i M., sword belt

fulgeo, -gere, -si shine

cingulum, -i N., belt [here: plural for sing.] bulla, -ae F., medallion [ornament on belt] Pallas, -antis Pallas
sterno, -ere, stravi lay flat, lay low inimicus, -a, -um belonging to an enemy insigne, -is N., decoration monimentum, -i N., reminder
exuviae, -arum F., spoils

haurio, -rire, -si drink in [here: metaphorically]

furiae, -arum F., madness, frenzy

accendo, -dere, -di, -sum inflame

terribilis, -is, -e terrible, terrifying spolium, -ii N., spoil, booty induo, -uere, -ui, -utum clothe [+ ablative: in] eripiare = eripiaris
immolo, -are sacrifice sceleratus, -a, -um [adj.] criminal fervidus, -a, -um boiling
ast = at frigus, -oris N., cold

[Turn over


SECTION C: Latin Grammar

Answer BOTH Question One and Question Two.


Choose any FIVE of the following sentences. For each sentence, translate into English and identify and explain the construction of the underlined word or words. Do NOT attempt more than FIVE sentences.

Example: Caesar milites misit qui castra defenderent.

Caesar sent soldiers to defend the camp.

qui… defenderent = relative clause in subjunctive mood expressing purpose; verb in imperfect tense in secondary sequence after misit.

(i) Fortunae tuae mihi maximae curae sunt.

(ii) Quot Romanorum imperatores esse deos crediderunt? (iii) Ubi eras, cum eum occisum esse audivisti?
(iv) Equus ille ambulat quasi aliquis eum laeserit.

(v) Felix esse nemo potest qui rei publicae sit hostis. (vi) Dum statua illa in templo fuit urbs incolumis stetit. (vii) Dic mihi hodie quid cras facturus sis.
(viii) Si tum diligentius laboravissem nunc celerius scriberem.

[20 marks]



Translate any TEN sentences into Latin (the conventions of Latin word order should be followed):

(i) My father often sends me to buy books.

(ii) When you have finished this work I shall give you a new cloak. (iii) I used to please my sister by telling her that story.
(iv) She told the slave to return all the money to her. (v) As I was leaving yesterday I met them returning.
(vi) While you were away at Rome your dog died of an illness. (vii) They used many trees to build that bridge.
(viii) When the ship was seen we knew we would be saved.

(ix) If you had said those things who would have believed you? (x) Ask him what he knows about the Gauls.
(xi) Although her husband had returned home she remained in the garden. (xii) We hear that Caligula wanted to make a horse a consul.
NOTE: Caligula: Caligula, -ae

(xiii) Let us go now, lest they find us here.

(xiv) The citizens were so frightened that they left the town immediately. (xv) I could not persuade him to love his enemies.

[30 marks]

End of questions

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